Glenn Mehrbach (Pianist, Conductor, Composer, Musical Director) is currently Music Director at the Community Church of Chapel Hill, Unitarian Universalist, Staff Associate in the music, dance and theatre departments at Duke University, and Music Performance Instructor at Camelot Academy in Durham He has worked with Carolina Ballet from 1997-2003, arranging and orchestrating the ballets “Carmen,” “Great Scott” and “Cabaret.” From 1986-2001 Glenn was pianist and musical director for cabaret chanteuse Andrea Marcovicci, and produced and arranged her first 11 CDs. As a composer, he’s released a songbook entitled “Fragile Heart,” and written music & lyrics for the musicals “Yearbook: The High School Musical” (Dramatic Publishing) and “Bum’s Rush,” as well as incidental music for numerous theatres in the Los Angeles and Triangle area. With guitarist Danny Gotham Glenn recently released their first joint CD, “Sundays Two.” Glenn has been musical director and pianist for Ellen Ciompi since 2005. Glenn lives in Durham, North Carolina with his wife, Deborah Klinger, and child, Eden Klinger. To find out more about Glenn, please see his Resumé page.